2024-2025 School Goals:
At Twelfth Avenue for the 2024-2025 school year, we are continuing on Year 3 of our Mathematics goal of improving the mathematical literacy of students:
Kindergarten and Grade 1 classrooms will assess mathematical literacy orally, and all Grade 2-7 classrooms will use Math Journals for students to communicate their mathematical understanding using different genres of mathematical writing throughout the school year (recount, procedural, explanatory, etc.). Our focus will be on teachers explicitly teaching different genres of mathematical writing throughout the school year and incorporating the Math Journals as a regular routine in the class. Teachers will assess all students using a communicating and representing rubric, but specific tracking will target students who are emerging/developing in mathematics and developing their skills to communicate their mathematical thinking in drawing/writing. Our goal will be to move these students to developing/proficient in communicating and representing mathematical thinking.
At Twelfth Avenue for the 2024-2025 school year, we will begin Year 1 of a collaborative working relationship with Fraser Health and the Healthy Schools Program.
School Goal: Collaborative Working Partnership to Create a Community Garden at Twelfth Avenue.
A team of community members, which includes the principal, school staff, parents, students and the Fraser Health Healthy Schools nurse will fundraise to begin a garden on Twelfth Avenue’s school site.
Once District approval and funding are in place, the committee will proceed with the purchase of garden planters. The community garden will be an educational resource that aligns with the British Columbia Science K-7 curricular competencies, providing hands-on learning experiences for students. The community garden acts as an outdoor classroom that enriches the curriculum with hands on learning and fostering an understanding of nutrition and value of fresh produce, which can inspire healthier eating habits. It connects students with nature and teaches them about stewardship of the land and sustainable food production. Volunteers from the community will be enlisted to support caring for the garden over school breaks.
We see this goal as supporting the Core Competency of Social Awareness and Responsibility and seek to improve our communities’ relationships and have a positive impact on the environment.